Thursday, November 16, 2017

Are All Bibles Created Equal?

Because the Bible originates within faith communities, diverse Christian faith communities revere different texts as part of Sacred Scripture. So the answer is no. All Bibles are not exactly the same. The reasons for this are complicated and the story extends over centuries. But here's a simplified version put forward by Bill Hogan, CBS Class of 2018:
On the one hand, the Catholic canon (list of sacred books) for the Old Testament follows the canon as practiced within the early Christian church. On the other hand, the Protestant Bible follows the canon developed by the Jewish community in ancient times.
The early Christian church primarily used the Septuagint of the Hebrew Bible, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, and some additional writings that were primarily written within the Greek-speaking Jewish community of the diaspora (Jews residing outside of the Holy Land). 
The Christian canon was developed and ratified throughout the centuries by several church councils, but sixteenth century Protestant reformers chose to include in their Bibles only the books of the Hebrew Bible (TaNaKh).

The additional books included in the Catholic Bible are called the deuterocanonical (secondary canon) books by Catholics. They are called Apocrypha (hidden) books by most Protestants, and they include: Wisdom of Ben Sira, Wisdom of Solomon, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Baruch, Tobit, Judith, and some parts that were added in the Greek translations of the canonical books of Daniel and Esther.

The difference in the number or books in the Bible is only found in the Old Testament. All Christians profess the same 27 books of the New Testament. Can you name them? Have fun trying!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Missionary Discipleship Display at St. Thomas Seminary

All week, as part of our National Bible Week celebration, a display will honor missionary disciples in the Archdiocese of Hartford, with honors going to our Biblical School students and alums. Drop by the main foyer of St. Thomas Seminary to check it out.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bible Giveaway at Seminary Mass

Monday, November 13, the Catholic Biblical School is giving away new copies of the New American Bible, revised in 2010, at the 12:10pm mass in the St. Thomas Seminary Chapel, 467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002.

Fr. Roland LaPlante, Senior Priest will be celebrating and will bless the Bibles as part of the festivities.

Join us!

Little Rock Scripture Study Wishes You an Enlightening Bible Week!

Make National Bible Week, November 12-18, a time of learning and reflection. Make use of our free resource:

2017 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our bishops are urging the American faithful to participate in National Bible Week 2017 by exploring the intimate connection between God’s sacred word and the faith proclaimed by the Catechism. Each day of this week Little Rock Scripture Study invites you to ponder how the Bible nourishes several vital teachings of the Catechism found in sections 101-141.

Sunday, November 1
Sections 101 and 102 of the Catechism affirm God’s revelation to humanity through human words, culminating in the ultimate revelation of God in the Word who became one of us. Read More >>

Haz de la Semana Nacional de la Biblia, 12-18 de noviembre, un tiempo de aprendizaje y reflexión. Utiliza nuestro recurso gratuito:

El 2017 marca el vigésimo quinto aniversario del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Nuestros obispos están exhortando a los fieles estadounidenses a que participen en la Semana Nacional de la Biblia 2017 explorando el vínculo íntimo entre la palabra sagrada de Dios y la fe proclamada por el Catecismo. Cada día de esta semana el Estudio Bíblico de Little Rock los invita a que reflexionen cómo la Biblia alimenta varias enseñanzas del Catecismo que se encuentran en las secciones 101-141.

Domingo, 12 de noviembre
Las secciones 101 y 102 del Catecismo afirman la revelación de Dios a la humanidad a través de palabras humanas, culminando en la máxima revelación de Dios en la Palabra que se convirtió en uno de nosotros. Read More >>

Little Rock Scripture Study, 2950 Saint John's Road, PO Box 7500, Collegeville, MN 56321
Phone: 1.800.858.5434 or 320.363.2213
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© Copyright 2017 Little Rock Scripture Study, Little Rock, Arkansas. All rights reserved.
A ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

CBS Recommends

Lectio Divina Introductory Workshop

The Lectio Divina Introductory Workshop teaches praying with sacred scriptures through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. It represents a Christian tradition of prayer that nourishes and deepens our relationship with God through reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the Word of God. Here are the details:
  • Holy Family Retreat Center
  • November 11, 2017
  • 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Presenters: Mike Smoolca, Contemplative Outreach, CT and Nancy Stimac, Catholic Biblical School Boadt Memorial Medal 2013.
  • $40 Offering requested
To register, click here:

This program is not sponsored by the Catholic Biblical School (CBS) but is approved as a "make-up" for certain CBS requirements. Contact BJ at for more information.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Does Not Wisdom Call? Every Day!

As advanced-year students in the Biblical School near the end of their study of Wisdom, consider this reflection by Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB.*
"A story from folk literature tells of a pilgrim who meets an angel on the road. In one hand the angel is carrying a flaming torch, in the other hand a bucket of water. The pilgrim asks, 'Where are you going?' The angel answers, 'With the flaming torch I am going to burn down all the mansions of heaven; with this bucket of water I'm going to quench all the fires of hell. Then we will discover who really loves God!'
This charming little story sounds like something we could find in the Wisdom literature of the Bible. Instead of trying to figure out how to get to heaven or how to stay out of hell, open your heart to Lady Wisdom daily."
Wiederkehr's story reminds me very much of the wager between God and Ha-satan in the opening chapters of the Book of Job.

*Published in "Romancing the Word," a column in Little Rock Connections monthly online newsletter. To see the entire reflection, access the Little Rock Scripture website by clicking here: