...Or so one participant tells us. Here are a few more comments on Thursday evening's festivities:
"Dr. Attridge was so enthusiastic, one couldn't help but get drawn into the energy."
"The reception and dinner were wonderful—to every last detail."
"Fun and interesting conversation, a thought-provoking speaker, distinguished guests—a terrific capstone to the anniversary year."
Deepest thanks to all who gathered with us last evening, October 21st, for helping make our anniversary celebration a truly gracious and joyous occasion.
Special thanks to Archbishop Henry Mansell, Archbishop Daniel Cronin, Dr. Harold Attridge, and Fr. David-Mark Janus for their valued contributions to our celebration.
And to those who wanted to attend but were too late to purchase tickets, we appreciate your understanding and your enthusiasm for the Biblical School. We'll just have to find a larger room for our 20th Anniversary Celebration!
Study the entire Bible in four years with seasoned Catholic biblical educators.
(Psst... You don't have to be Catholic to enroll!)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Fr. Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal Awarded
The Fr. Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal was awarded to Ms. Angela Pietrowski at our 15th Anniversary Celebration on October 21, 2010.
This award has been initiated in this anniversary year and will be awarded annually to honor individuals whose life and ministry demonstrates the kind of diligence in the study of Sacred Scripture and generosity of spirit in teaching the Word of God that made Paulist Fr. Larry Boadt so beloved.
Angela Pietrowski, who serves as Director of Religious Education for St. John Vianney and Our Lady of Victory parishes in West Haven, CT, is a 2005 graduate of the Catholic Biblical School. She then continued her formal religious education by completing the Fordham University Graduate Certificate in Faith Formation and has created and implemented original scripture-education programs in her parishes.
Fr. Mark-David Janus, CSP, who succeeded Fr. Boadt as president of Paulist Press, presented the award, together with Archbishop Henry Mansell and Monsignor Michael Motta. Fr. Janus also presented Angela with a copy of the last published work Fr. Boadt prepared before his death—The Catholic Prayer Bible: Lectio Divina Edition.
Congratulations, Angela!
This award has been initiated in this anniversary year and will be awarded annually to honor individuals whose life and ministry demonstrates the kind of diligence in the study of Sacred Scripture and generosity of spirit in teaching the Word of God that made Paulist Fr. Larry Boadt so beloved.
Angela Pietrowski, who serves as Director of Religious Education for St. John Vianney and Our Lady of Victory parishes in West Haven, CT, is a 2005 graduate of the Catholic Biblical School. She then continued her formal religious education by completing the Fordham University Graduate Certificate in Faith Formation and has created and implemented original scripture-education programs in her parishes.
Fr. Mark-David Janus, CSP, who succeeded Fr. Boadt as president of Paulist Press, presented the award, together with Archbishop Henry Mansell and Monsignor Michael Motta. Fr. Janus also presented Angela with a copy of the last published work Fr. Boadt prepared before his death—The Catholic Prayer Bible: Lectio Divina Edition.
Congratulations, Angela!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Our cup runneth over! The 15th Anniversary Celebration next Thursday, October 21 is completely full, and the waiting list for cancellations has also closed out.
Thanks be to God and to the archdiocesan community for joining in our celebration of this historic occasion.
Thanks be to God and to the archdiocesan community for joining in our celebration of this historic occasion.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
CBS Celebration Tickets Going...Going... (Almost Gone!)
Have you been "putting off" buying your ticket(s) to the Catholic Biblical School 15th Anniversary Celebration? Don't procrastinate one moment longer!
The Office of Religious Education must receive your payment* by Thursday, October 14 at 4:30 p.m. Tickets will not be available after Thursday afternoon, nor will we be able to seat individuals who have not purchased a ticket in advance. So it's now or never!
We have a large crowd of friends, both old and new to the Catholic Biblical School, preparing to rejoice as we ...
*Tickets are $25.00; checks should be made payable to "ORE" and sent to: Office of Religious Education, 467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. For additional information contact Ms. Jill Costa or Ms. Shirley Morris at 860-243-9465.
The Office of Religious Education must receive your payment* by Thursday, October 14 at 4:30 p.m. Tickets will not be available after Thursday afternoon, nor will we be able to seat individuals who have not purchased a ticket in advance. So it's now or never!
We have a large crowd of friends, both old and new to the Catholic Biblical School, preparing to rejoice as we ...
- Enjoy fine dining in a lovely setting
- Consider the Gospel of John with Dr. Harold Attridge, Dean of Yale Divinity School
- Honor the first annual recipient of the Fr. Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal, presented by Fr. Mark-David Janus, President of Paulist Press
- Join Archbishop Henry Mansell and Archbishop Emeritus Daniel Cronin in celebrating fifteen years of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School
*Tickets are $25.00; checks should be made payable to "ORE" and sent to: Office of Religious Education, 467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002. For additional information contact Ms. Jill Costa or Ms. Shirley Morris at 860-243-9465.
Biblical School Workshop for Parish Leaders
"The primary work of Pastors is to assist the faithful in understanding how to encounter the Word of God under the guidance of the Spirit," according to the 2008 Synod document, The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church.
The Office of Religious Education's Catholic Biblical School invites pastors, those who assist pastors, and those who want to help their family connect with the Bible, to a workshop specifically designed to help Catholic families encounter the Word of God in Scripture:
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Fee: $10.00 (lunch and refreshments included)
Presenter: Leif Kehrwald, Center for Ministry Development
Presenter: Leif Kehrwald, Center for Ministry Development
Friday, October 8, 2010
CBS Recommends—How Jesus Saw God
"Revealing the God of Jesus Christ: How Jesus Saw God"
A Day or Evening Retreat
Fr. David Cinquegrani, CP
We know that there are dozens of references to the Hebrew Scriptures found on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels. It is clear that he prayed the psalms and quoted other books of the First Testament, therefore his image of God was formed from this body of sacred literature. Who, then, was God for Jesus? How was his teaching about God reflected in his ministry, and what can we learn about God from Jesus? Enjoy a spirited discussion about this fascinating topic led by Fr. David.
To register,click here or contact Holy Family Retreat Center for a registration form at 860-521-0440.

Fr. David Cinquegrani, CP
We know that there are dozens of references to the Hebrew Scriptures found on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels. It is clear that he prayed the psalms and quoted other books of the First Testament, therefore his image of God was formed from this body of sacred literature. Who, then, was God for Jesus? How was his teaching about God reflected in his ministry, and what can we learn about God from Jesus? Enjoy a spirited discussion about this fascinating topic led by Fr. David.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day Retreat: 10:00 am-2:00 pm (includes lunch)
Evening Retreat: 6:00-9:00 pm (begins with dinner)
Offering: $35.00
This event is not sponsored by the Catholic Biblical School but is authorized as a "make-up" for certain missed requirements. Contact BJ Daly Horell to pursue this option.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
October News in Faith Formation
What's happening in the Biblical School, adult spirituality, catechist enrichment, youth ministry? It's all here in the October 2010 newsletter, ORE Connections. Click here to explore what's happening this month in faith formation in the Archdiocese of Hartford.
Monday, October 4, 2010
CBS Recommends—Tour the Holy Land with Monsignor Motta
Monsignor Michael J. Motta, Director of the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education and Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in West Hartford, invites you to journey with him in faith to Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Galilee, and other ancient and holy sites.
During ten days of discovery led by Msgr. Motta and Deacon Dick Sennett, pilgrims will read the Scriptures, pray, and celebrate Mass in places that Jesus actually lived and preached. And those who continue for an additional seven days will camp at Mount Sinai, cross the desert into Egypt to sail the Nile, visit pyramids, and immerse themselves in the land of the Pharaohs!
Travel begins from JFK in New York City on February 6, 2011. Cost for ten days starts at $1998, with an optional extension to Egypt for an additional $1398 (plus tax, tips, and fees). Contact Msgr. Motta at 860-243-9465 for more details.
Msgr. Motta has been honored by Fordham University as the winner of the 2010 Sapientia et Doctrina Award for Leadership in Religious Education. His leadership in promoting devotion to God's Word in New England has been essential to the thriving of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School for more than fifteen years.
Deacon Dick Sennett is a graduate of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School. Since his ordination in 1982, Dick has served as deacon and pastoral leader in the Diocese of Hartford, CT. An experienced traveler and tour host, Dick has led over twenty pilgrimages and trips.
During ten days of discovery led by Msgr. Motta and Deacon Dick Sennett, pilgrims will read the Scriptures, pray, and celebrate Mass in places that Jesus actually lived and preached. And those who continue for an additional seven days will camp at Mount Sinai, cross the desert into Egypt to sail the Nile, visit pyramids, and immerse themselves in the land of the Pharaohs!
Travel begins from JFK in New York City on February 6, 2011. Cost for ten days starts at $1998, with an optional extension to Egypt for an additional $1398 (plus tax, tips, and fees). Contact Msgr. Motta at 860-243-9465 for more details.
Msgr. Motta has been honored by Fordham University as the winner of the 2010 Sapientia et Doctrina Award for Leadership in Religious Education. His leadership in promoting devotion to God's Word in New England has been essential to the thriving of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School for more than fifteen years.
Deacon Dick Sennett is a graduate of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School. Since his ordination in 1982, Dick has served as deacon and pastoral leader in the Diocese of Hartford, CT. An experienced traveler and tour host, Dick has led over twenty pilgrimages and trips.
September "Bible Blog" Winner—by Pat Emons

Moses said to the LORD, "You, indeed, are telling me to lead this people on; but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'You are my intimate friend,' and also, 'You have found favor with me.' Now, if I have found favor with you, do let me know your ways so that, in knowing you, I may continue to find favor with you.”
"I myself," the LORD answered, "will go along, to give you rest."
(Moses prays again) "If you are not going yourself, do not make us go up from here. For how can it be known that we, your people and I, have found favor with you, except by your going with us? Then we, your people and I, will be singled out from every other people on the earth."
(God’s Response) "This request, too, which you have just made, I will carry out, because you have found favor with me and you are my intimate friend."
Let us Pray: Blessed be you, our God! You open your heart in friendship and encouragement to us. Help us always to know your ways that we may find favor with you. Walk with us as you promised to Moses, so that we always strive to promote your kingdom by the way we live our lives. When your kingdom comes, I pray that you will recognize us as your intimate friends. Amen.
CBS Announces—"Bible Blog" Contest Winner for September
The CBS publishing contest continues, with more "Bible Blogs" inspired by the Word of God.
September's winner is Pat Emons, Catholic Biblical School Class of 2010! Congratulations Pat, and thank you all who have submitted your profound reflections on Scripture. Our next winner will be chosen on All Hallows Eve, October 31.
For contest rules and information about how to submit your entry, click here.
September's winner is Pat Emons, Catholic Biblical School Class of 2010! Congratulations Pat, and thank you all who have submitted your profound reflections on Scripture. Our next winner will be chosen on All Hallows Eve, October 31.
For contest rules and information about how to submit your entry, click here.
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