Students currently studying in Year 1 will most likely have their Year 2 class at the same place and time as this year, but all students in Year 2 and 3 of their studies will be combined into Advanced Year classes that have to be carefully put together in a well-reasoned way to allow everyone to continue with their studies without excess hardship.
It is my habit to elicit input from next year's Advanced Year students (that is, this year's Year 2 and 3 students) through a survey. An email invitation containing a link to the online survey was sent yesterday to all students affected. Another invitation was sent by post to those students for whom we don't have an email address on record. You should receive the postal version in the next day or two.
But if your survey invitation does not reach you for any reason, please use the following link to reply to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NJLP2M5. OR call Jill Costa at the OREE (860) 242-5573, ext. 2670 to have a paper copy mailed to you by post.

Surveys must be completed by March 1, 2016. Please do NOT reply more than once to the survey.
Your input will only be recorded once.
Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
NOTES on next year's courses:
Next year’s Advanced Classes will be studying the Green Curriculum, also known as CBS 300 or Year Three. Even though some of you may be starting your fourth year of study, this is the correct class for you to enroll in. The material covers the exile and restoration period of Israel’s history and focuses heavily on the prophetic literature and the psalms. Syllabi are available at www.orehartford.org.
Teacher assignments have not and cannot be determined at this time. You can change your preferences based on teacher assignments any time before August 1st.