Some of these classes are open to any individual who wants to enroll. Here are three possibilities you might check out:
Cathedral of St. Joseph, the Mother Parish of the Archdiocese began with Suzanne Berwick, CBS Class of 2016, on Saturday, February 17 and will continue through all the Saturdays of Lent. Call the Cathedral and ask Sr. Ann Marie Strileckis, CND to find out if you can still join: 860-249-8431.
St. John of the Cross, Middlebury will start bi-weekly sessions with instructor Mary Ann Kelly, CBS Class of 2016, on Tuesday, March 6, 6:30-8:30 at 1263 West St., Middlebury. Call the parish for details: 203-758-2659.
St. Anthony, Prospect will start weekly sessions with instructor Pat Wilkin, CBS Class of 2016, on March 7 in the "Hope" Room of the parish center. Contact Katie Blinstrubas, Parish Catechetical Leader, at stanthonyre@comcast.net for more information or to find out about joining the class.Some parishes are adapting the course to meet the needs of specific audiences, such as parents of children in religious education and catechists.
CBS 075 is adaptable to your needs and follows the proven methods of the Catholic Biblical School. It is also an effective process for empowering adults to read the Bible with intelligence and reverence. Contact BJ to get some ideas about how you might run Making Sense of the Bible in your faith community: catholic.biblical.school@aohct.org.
PS: Class of 2016, stand tall!