Hark! The Herald Prophets Sing: The Prophets on the Sundays of Advent
(Jeremiah, Baruch, Zephaniah and Micah)
Where? St. Patrick and St. Anthony Parish, Hartford
When? Sat., December 5, 9-3 and Sunday 1-3 pm
Who? Mr. Paul D. Sansone studied Scripture at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., and has been active in adult education and faith formation for many years.
Offering: $20.00 (includes lunch on Saturday)
Registration: Contact Fran Martyn at 860-756-4034 or fmartyn@stsact.org.
Notes: Attendance at this event will count as a “make-up” for Scripture Days missed in the past. This program is not sponsored by the Catholic Biblical School.