Moses said to the LORD, "You, indeed, are telling me to lead this people on; but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'You are my intimate friend,' and also, 'You have found favor with me.' Now, if I have found favor with you, do let me know your ways so that, in knowing you, I may continue to find favor with you.”
"I myself," the LORD answered, "will go along, to give you rest."
(Moses prays again) "If you are not going yourself, do not make us go up from here. For how can it be known that we, your people and I, have found favor with you, except by your going with us? Then we, your people and I, will be singled out from every other people on the earth."
(God’s Response) "This request, too, which you have just made, I will carry out, because you have found favor with me and you are my intimate friend."
Let us Pray: Blessed be you, our God! You open your heart in friendship and encouragement to us. Help us always to know your ways that we may find favor with you. Walk with us as you promised to Moses, so that we always strive to promote your kingdom by the way we live our lives. When your kingdom comes, I pray that you will recognize us as your intimate friends. Amen.