Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finding the "Buy in" in Bible

I recently found a terrific blog post that I think you might like from Jesuit priest, Jim McDermott of LA. Here's an excerpt and a link:

"Catholics do not read the Bible. They just don't. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it seems like work? Or it's daunting, what with all the books and strange references? Or was it something I said?

"But it's really too bad, because there's so much lovely material in there waiting for us if we're willing to venture forth -- psalms that capture the cries of our own hearts; little tales of family and faith, heroism and self-sacrifice; weird and wonderful moments like the bird who poops on Tobit and makes him go blind.... 

"...Maybe one way to turn the Bible from chore/encyclopedia -- do we still have encyclopedias? -- into an adventure is to let kids have the opportunity to read around, choose for themselves from among a much wider range of stories or books, and see what they find interesting.  Let them find their own favorites." ...
[And BJ thinks you should start with Bel and the Dragon. As Fr. McDermott puts it:]
"Why give this to kids? Hello, it has a dragon.  Also, lions. And a really fun story about how Daniel proves an idol isn't a god. And ... it's short.

"But most of all -- Come on, it has a DRAGON."

To read more of Fr. McDermott's witty blog, click here:
Gone Walkabout: Bible Camp