Monday, December 3, 2012

A Weekly Bible Study by Barbara Gawle

No. 4 First Sunday of Advent

Jeremiah 33:14-16
Jeremiah, a prophet of the 7th century B.C., spoke to a nation in crisis.  Religious reform in the land of Judah (Israel), initiated by King Josiah, had given way to idolatry and  infidelity.  Babylon was about to crash through the gates of Jerusalem, taking Israel captive in a foreign land, and there was no help for it.

Today's brief reading is part of a longer passage that promises that, even though Israel is suffering for its sins, one day God will restore and heal Israel, bringing abundance and lasting peace. So even when the people is mired in faithlessness, God looks kindly upon his people.

Today's reading is kind of short, but it contains three very powerful messages. Through Jeremiah, God promises:
  • "The days are coming…when I will fulfill the promise I made…." Not even Jeremiah could imagine such a savior who came to free us from the bondage of our infidelities and sinfulness. Oh, what a gift!
  • "The one I raise up will do what is right and just in the land …." God's promised savior would bring about justice and righteousness and would become our teacher in the ways of righteousness. Oh, what a gift!
  • "Jerusalem shall dwell safely.…" God's promised savior would restore peacefulness to the land, healing the people from the ravages of their oppressors. In God we learn to find a safety and security far beyond what earth could ever provide. Oh, what a gift!
In Advent we reflect on these three gifts given to us by God in the person of Jesus: (1) Our renewal and forgiveness of sins; (2) God's forming us in righteousness; (3) God's deeply needed gift of peace, for ourselves and our world.

May the words of Jeremiah speak to your hearts today as we journey through the week. In this way we hope to be informed, formed and transformed by God's Holy Word this Advent.