Monday, February 18, 2013

A Prayer for CBS Students

The faculty and staff of the Hartford Catholic Biblical School and St. Thomas Certificate in Biblical Studies program are praying for our students this week as they prepare to undertake Unit 2 Exams. We ask that the guidance of God's Holy Spirit will inspire them so that the "memory exercise" is not just an academic exercise but draws them more deeply into the heart of God's Word.

Ms. BJ Daly Horell, Chair and Coordinator
Dr. Thomas Casey, Instructor, Graduate Programs
Fr. Aidan Donahue, Instructor, CBS 300
Ms. Amy Ekeh, Instructor, CBS 200
Ms. Marcia Franko, Instructor, CBS 100
Dr. Donald Gray, Instructor, CBS 200
Dr. Joan Kelly, Instructor, CBS 100
Fr. Honore Kombo, Instructor, CBS 100
Deacon Dr. Bob Pallotti, Instructor, CBS 300
Sr. Jewel Renna, CND, Instructor, CBS 100 and 300