Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Weekly Bible Study - Matthew 21:1-11 Gospel at the Procession

13 April 2014

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ

We stand among the festive crowd that gathers this day in Jerusalem and ask: “Who is this?”

Who is this One who comes triumphantly into our Holy City? He has no throne but a beast of burden. He has no entourage but the hopeful poor waving tree branches in homage. He has no fine vesture, but a royal cloak and piercing crown will be given him in mockery.

Who is this One to whom we pay homage today as to a king? We call him “Son of David” of the royal line of the ancient monarchy of Judah. But will we be the ones who deny knowing him or (worse) betraying him? Will our “hosannas” soon turn to “crucify him.”

How can this One who is meek, who speaks of bringing peace, cause such upheaval? Is this a foretaste of the power he will demonstrate on that Third Day as he conquers forever the grasp of death?
We knew him in his deeds of forgiveness, healing, compassion as he walked among us. Our hearts burned for more as he spoke of a new kingdom and raised our Jewish traditions to deeper levels of devotion. But do we understand the journey he must now make, a path seemingly unfit for One we honor with songs of praise? Will we stand by him at the cross, or will we scatter in fear? Or worst of all, will we walk away, indifferent to Jesus when the hosannas cease and the challenge of Calvary begins? To stand by the side of the Risen Lord, we must stand beneath the cross with him on Good Friday.

Where will we stand this Holy Week?

We invite you to stand with Christ, in your parish, with the whole Catholic Church, to pray the liturgies of the Most Holy Triduum on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Easter Vigil) this week.

Blessings for Holy Week and a Joyous Easter!

The author, Ms. Barbara Gawle, leads Bible studies at her parish, Incarnation Church of Wethersfield, CT. She is a CBS graduate and the 2012 recipient of the Biblical School's highest award, The Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.