Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Weekly Bible Study - 1 Peter 3:15-18

6th Sunday of Easter

25 May 2014

One of the most profound images in Peter’s writing is that of Christ as cornerstone of our church and we as living stones. We are the Church and our life rests on the cornerstone of our faith, Christ Jesus.
But there is another dimension to the imagery in First Peter that also needs our attention: “These stones will become a stumbling block for many.” 

Of course, there are many stumbling blocks along the way of faith. We find them in the “hard sayings” of Jesus as well as in challenges we face from unbelievers and those who believe differently from us.

But looked at another way, Peter is telling us that we must not be an obstacle for those who sincerely search for Christ, for truth, for the deeper meaning of our lives. We must be prepared to bring hope and understanding to those who are weak (aren't we all weak in one way or another?) or those who are crippled in their faith.

And to those who falter we must offer a steady arm: to lift up rather than knock down; to encourage rather than criticize; to build up rather than tear down. Perhaps our message will be best received in the gentleness and reverence of which Peter speaks. As Christ is our foundation, our hope and our peace, we too must be that foundation for others: for believers, for non believers, and even for those who beliefs or religious practices differ from our own.

The author, Ms. Barbara Gawle, leads Bible studies at her parish, Incarnation Church of Wethersfield, CT. She is a CBS graduate and the 2012 recipient of the Biblical School's highest award, The Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.