Joining together for Evening Prayer and "treats" (to quote Fr. Tiano), hundreds of youth and adults came together at St. Jerome's in New Britain yesterday to celebrate achievements in Youth Ministry, Discipleship, Service in Catechesis, and (my fave) Biblical Studies.
The Basic Certificate requires 144 hours (a very biblical number!) of in-class work, plus an average of 6-7 hours of self-study each week, for two years.
Here are the students who earned the Basic Certificate in Biblical Studies this year:
Andrew Ackerman St. Monica, Northford
Adrienne Couch Artale St. Teresa of Avila, Woodbury
Ronald J. Artale St. Teresa of Avila, Woodbury
Patty Augustyn St. Rose of Lima, Meriden
Suzanne d'Avignon Berwick St. James, Manchester
Michelle C. Boisseau St. Francis of Assisi, South Windsor
Arthur J. Brokowsky, Jr St. Mary, East Hartford
MaryAnn D'Addario St. Peter and Paul, Wallingford
Sheila Clare DeLuca St. Andrew, Colchester
Michael J. DePrimo St. Joan of Arc, Hamden
Sr. Elizabeth Doyle, ASCJ Mount Sacred Heart, Hamden
Susan J. Guerrera St. Anthiony, Prospect
Mary Ann Kelly St. John of the Cross, Middlebury
Paul A. Kominis St. Margaret, Madison
Rachelle M. LaBrecque St. Mary, East Hartford
Linda A. Masci St. Mary, Clinton
Gloria Danielle Nonnweiler St. Patrick-St. Anthony, Hartford
Patricia Reynolds St. Martin de Porres, New Haven
Frank Rio St. Bridget, Manchester
Edward Robinson St. Teresa of Avila, Woodbury
Kathrine E. Rutledge St. Teresa of Avila, Woodbury
Charlotte Scaviola St. Michael, Waterbury
Sr. Christina Skelley, ASCJ Mount Sacred Heart, Hamden
Patricia Sward St. Brigid, West Hartford
Mary Jo Tomsic St. Bartholomew, Manchester
Patricia L. Wilkin St. Augustine, Seymour
Sr. Lauren Elizabeth Zak, ASCJ Mount Sacred Heart, Hamden