The exegete perceives the Divine Word through a fervent spiritual life
On Sept. 12, 2014, Pope Francis addressed the 43rd National Biblical Week in Italy, where he said,"Faith, to respond, and so as not to be suffocated, must be constantly nurtured by the Word of God....
"Since it is not possible for every Christian personally to carry out the research necessary to arrive at a good understanding of Biblical texts," he added, “this task is entrusted to exegetes. ... Alongside academic competence, the Catholic exegete needs above all, faith: received from and shared with all believers."

The pope's remarks inaugurate the 50th anniversary of Dei Verbum, which in 1965 confirmed 20th century Church teaching that the Word of God is written in human language and therefore must be understood according to its original intent in order to access the fuller meaning of the text for the contemporary Christian community.
For more information, see the official Vatican news article: Biblical Interpretation: Help Faithful to Live in Communion With God by clicking here: