Making God Known: Sharing the Stories of Faith
We're one week out! You won't want to miss the new, expanded Hartford Faith and Evangelization
Congress, with a full line-up of major speakers and workshops in BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH.
When: November 15, 7:45 am-3:40 pm
Where: St. Paul Catholic High School, Bristol
Cost: $30 per person (lunch is included)
We've expanded adult formation offerings, in addition to our tried-and-true skills-based programming for parish catechists and catechetical leaders. Topics cover the areas of teaching methodology, evangelization, social justice, youth ministry, spirituality and... (wait for it) our favorite, scripture. Talleres en Espagnol: La Apologetica, La Evangelizacion, La Pastoral Juvenil, Para los Catequistas, Para los Lideres Catequeticos. (Pardon my accent.... no habla Espangol!)
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CBS Faculty Amy Ekeh |
Registration forms and a full list of presenters and topics can be found by clicking here:
And if you've read this far, SAVE THE DATE for our next big event: Dr. Thomas H. Groome, speaking on "Sharing our Biblical Faith" at the next Celebration of Sacred Scripture, March 8, 2015, 12:30 pm at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. Dr. Groome is one of the most highly regarded religious education specialists in today's English-speaking world.