A Reader Gets Real About the Challenge:

We want our kids to have meaning in their lives. That's it. Salvation? Of course, but I'm not worried about that. There I have no problem trusting God. It's meaning that I'm worried about, a foundation for their lives that's more than what this world has to offer. I know I can't force it, but am I doing what I can to communicate it, to show them? I know I shouldn't make myself miserable over it and I feel I am letting them down -- but I'm not sure what to do.
Some Good Advice from Another Reader:
Some Good Advice from Another Reader:
For college students or teenagers, tell them in person or via text that you are praying for them for big tests or exams. Say "God Bless you" when ending telephone conversation or text. Continue in little way to bring God into the message. They will know how God is a part of your life and remember that in later years.

Another Reader Suggests:
When my grown children are at home, I remember to let them know when we're planning to go to mass, and I invite them to come along. Sometimes they surprise me!Keep sending more ideas to me at: barbara.jean.horell@aohct.org! I'll post them, for the sake of our children (and us!).