Friday, March 3, 2017

Remythologizing the Myths

Chapter One continued from 2/28/17
Beauty, Truth, Goodness, Unity, Diversity
Inspired by Genesis 2

...God taught them to make stories and poems and jokes about their joy.

The boy and the girl drank in God's teachings, but they loved most to explore their valley home. God encouraged them to swim in the lake, to play hide and seek with the bats in their caves, and to rejoice in everything they found in the lovely valley. The girl and the boy were barely teenagers, but they always felt safe in the valley and at home in God's care.

Because God and his children loved each other very much, they all promised solemnly to meet every evening of every day to enjoy each others' company. The girl and the boy always came eagerly to God's table at the end of their adventures. Sometimes they would bring with them new foods they'd found, and they would always chat happily about all they had discovered in the valley and in themselves. God delighted in them, and they delighted in God.

Now, God always keeps promises. That's what it means to be God.

And the children, too, found it easy to keep their promise. They looked forward to meeting with God each evening. No matter how far they roamed during the day, they would always return to the center of the valley and God's table, once the sun began leaning into the horizon.

Remythologizing the Myths is a new series by BJ Daly Horell that attempts to explore and uncover some of the underlying meanings in biblical stories. This is not an attempt to rewrite the Bible (God forbid) and is not in any way Scripture. But in this Information Age, the meanings stories both hide and reveal may sometimes escape our notice. So, for your enjoyment, I offer small stories to shine a light on some features of the text that might otherwise be overlooked.

This is the second installment of a series focusing on Genesis. I intend to offer a paragraph or so each week.