Monday, April 10, 2017

Freedom Seder for the Earth

Facing the Plagues and Pharaohs of Our Generation

From Rabbi Arthus Wasgow's 2009 Freedom Seder for the Earth, I offer you his thoughtful reflection on the Hebrew name of God:
If we were to “pronounce” these four letters [YHWH] without any vowels— “Yyyyhhhhwwwwhhhh”—the pronunciation would be simply a breath. In this way, we not only mentally understand but bodily experience God as the One Who is the breath and gives the breath to us and to all life. What the trees breathe out, we breathe in; what we breathe out, the trees breathe in. As the Jewish prayer book says, “The breath of all that lives praises Your Name.”
Christian Holy Week began yesterday with Palm Sunday. Check out service times in your parish bulletin, online, or participate through ORTV at

Jewish Passover begins tonight at sundown. Keep our our Jewish brothers and sisters in your hearts and prayers as they celebrate 8 days of Passover.