"Do no harm ever to the earth, to the air, to the water, to the soil" says Leslie Marconi on Talk of Connecticut, the Dan and Brad Show yesterday.
Leslie is a woman of deep faith and a parishioner of the (newly renamed) Catholic community in Windsor Locks: St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. She owns DiRonco Lawn and Garden Care, and has made it her mission "to always treat out soils, air and waterways with reverence and nurturing care."
Listen to the podcast about creating an ecosystem in your lawn, and learn how to give true worship to God (my words) by caring for Creation http://www.talkofconnecticut.com/the-brad-dan-show/2017/05/31/brad-dan-podcast--may-31-2017-marconi-says-organic-is-the-answer. Then check out Laudato Si, for the connection between care of the earth, care of neighbor, and the love of God for all of us.
A "shout out" to Leslie's classmates, Barbara Kaminsky and Beth Polio, for alerting us to Leslie's wonderful, unique "lawn and garden" ministry!