Thursday, December 21, 2017

God's Word Comes Alive in Love

This Advent, some students in the advanced class of the Biblical School came together to give of their time and substance to families residing in South Park Inn this Christmas. What a joy to serve God's people! In the words of student Jennifer O'Neill, who organized the effort:
"When we entered the shelter we were warmly greeted by two adorable little boys who were very clearly filled with the joy of this season. It was striking given the environment they seemed to be oblivious to. The staff was incredibly gracious and appreciative of the packs and assured us that the families were all set for the holidays.
"Our simple acts will contribute to making Christmas a little merrier for some of the youngest and most vulnerable members of society that Jesus would have fully embraced.  One of the passages from Busted Halo’s Advent Calendar last week read “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.” from Neal Maxwell. I believe we throw open the doors to the inn when we remind others of their worthiness even in small acts like stuffing a back pack."

The South Park volunteers also reminded us that the homeless need to experience their place in our community all year long. We can connect with them through visits, prayers and support. Christ and his church delights when we generously give of our time, our knowledge, our spirit and our substance throughout the year. Thank you: Anne-Marie, Donna, Elaine, Epi, Jen, Jim, Joan,  Phyllis, Regina, Sandy, Tom, and Tracey.

A Holy and Merry Christmas to all! We invite you each and every one to join us in learning about God's presence in Holy Scripture.

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