(Hint: To do this challenge, you'll need some room to spread out.)
This activity is designed to simulate the two levels of blindness: physical and spiritual. Blindfolds will represent physical blindness while running backward will represent spiritual blindness. The idea is to let the activity bridge the two types of blindness in this Gospel.
Preparation begins with choosing an appropriate site for a relay race (walking, running, in wheelchairs--adapt the race to suit participants). Mark a masking tape line as a starting line for Team One, and alongside that line mark an identical line for Team Two. Approximately 10 to 20 yards away, mark two lines parallel to the starting lines. This will serve as the midpoint line for each team.
Gather four blindfolds and place two at the starting lines and two at the midpoint lines. During the first relay, only Team Two will be blindfolded.

Begin the activity by dividing participants into two teams. Invite half of each team to the starting line and the other half of each team to the midpoint line. Ask participants to line up in single file behind the masking tape lines. Explain that they will be competing in a relay race. The first person at each starting line will walk (or run or wheel) to the midpoint line and tag the first person at their team's midpoint line. That person will walk (or run, etc.) to the starting line and tag the next person. This pattern will continue until each member of the team has had the opportunity to participate. The first team that finishes is the winner.
Continue explaining that each team will be given special challenges during the relays. Team One must run backward the entire relay. Team Two will also run backward during the relay; however,