Friday, March 18, 2011

The Pope on Biblical Literacy (and a free webinar link)

In the pope's recent encyclical, The Word of the Lord, the mission and vision of the Catholic Biblical School is affirmed:
"In order to achieve the goal set by the Synod [on the Word of God, Oct. 2008], namely, an increased emphasis on the Bible in the Church’s pastoral activity, all Christians, and catechists in particular, need to receive suitable training. Attention needs to be paid to the biblical apostolate, which is a very valuable means to that end, as the Church’s experience has shown. The Synod Fathers also recommended that ... centres of formation should be established where laity and missionaries can be trained to understand, live and proclaim the word of God." (Domini Verbum 75)

For a glimpse into the "ABC's" of biblical literacy, St. Mary's Press invites you to a free one-hour webinar on March 22, 2011. Click here to sign up.