There is a part of me—
inside of me—
that is Jonah.
A part of me that God loves so
very much
and that loves God so
very much
but that runs away to Tarshish so
very often
because going to Ninevah seems so
very difficult.
But as I get closer and closer to Tarshish
The water gets
very unsettled and
very unsettling—
And I fight the waves and billows
all the more—
but I know
all the while
that I am being
very blind
and I feel
very empty.
I know that I cannot go to Tarshish
though I try
very hard.
So I long for the day,
for the grace to say
very often:
“Throw that part of me overboard
and then the sea will be calm!”
Throw that part of me overboard
into the
very Hands of God.
By Sr. Doretta D’Albero, ASCJ (Class of 2013)