Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is Environmental Theology "Radical"?

One presidential candidate recently characterized environmental theology as "radical." But this "radical" theology "is the creation theology that recent Popes have supported in their preaching and writing," as the executive director of Franciscan Action Network, Patrick Carolan, recently reminded us in his article on the Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good website. (For an abbreviated listing of such papal documents, check out Carolan's full article by clicking here.)

Creation theology is also at the heart of Sacred Scripture, beginning with Genesis 1 and concluding in the Book of Revelation. As Carolan writes, "In these 40 days of Lenten purification, Catholics remember the 40 days of rain which cleansed the world in Noah’s time. When the flood had subsided, God stated clearly and repeatedly 'the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you' (cf. Gen 9:8-15), a covenant of care and protection rather than destruction."

The flood narrative and the relationship between the natural world and moral theology will be addressed by Dr. Dianne Bergant, world-renowned biblical scholar, at the Office of Religious Education's Celebration of Sacred Scripture, Sunday, March 25, 12:30-4:30 p.m. Registrations required by March 16. Click here to download a registration form, or contact Jill Costa for more information (860-243-9465 or