On the other hand, the internet, when properly used, can be an enormously helpful tool for biblical studies. One of our faculty members, Ms. Amy Ekeh, just brought the following sites to my attention. They are two very helpful resources for your studies:
1. Online Concordance for New King James Version, Revised Standard Version, New Revised Standard (Version), New International Bible or Good News Bible (other versions, not recommended for use in CBS, are also available on this website): www.biblestudytools.com This is an easy-to-use concordance that will make your homework easier to complete. Here's what to do:
- Go to www.biblestudytools.com (click on the link or cut and paste the URL to your browser);
- Click on "Library";
- Click on "Bible Versions and Translations";
- Choose the version that matches your own Bible (if available) or NRS (if your Bible is not available);
- Type into the Search field the keyword you want to find in the biblical text;
- Click "Search" to have every instance of that word, with its biblical citation, appear on your computer screen;
- Use the online Bible or your print Bible to read the passage in its context.

Although we can't vouch for every piece of information that will ever be presented on Fr. Just's site, Amy describes it very well: "The site has been pretty useful for me and so far has been trustworthy." Of course, your instructor can and should guide you in regard to your findings on Catholic theology. (That's what we're here for!)
As we in the Hartford CBS begin another school year (September 7 and 14!), we wish you a fruitful and energizing pilgrimage with God's Word (Christ) through God's Word (the Bible).