Friday, August 23, 2013

Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus

For CBS Graduates and Parish Leaders:

“Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus”:

A Virtual Tour of the Holy Land
September 8, 2013, 1:00-3:00 pm
(“Coffee And” beginning at 12:30)
St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield

Although a personal pilgrimage to the Holy Land might be impossible for many right now, we will take a virtual pilgrimage to the land through the camera and heart of a veteran tour leader, Stephen J. Binz. This imaginative pilgrimage will combine images of those sacred places with reflections on the Scriptures. We can image Jesus with his disciples along the lake, teaching on the mountainside, praying in the garden, dying on the cross, and appearing to his disciples. This geography of salvation will renew your heart for reading the word of God.

Stephen J. Binz
To register, complete and return the registration form (link provided on the "Upcoming Events" page of our website, by Aug. 31, 2013 (You must complete a separate form for each person attending.)

1. Our presenter will be bringing copies of his many books for sale at this event. Bring your checkbook (or cash) in case you find something there you want to purchase.

2. Always bring your Bibles to Biblical School events like this one.