Saturday, October 12, 2013

Reminder: Weather-related Cancellation Policies

"That time of year thou mayst in [school] behold, when yellow leaves or none or few do hang upon
the boughs which shake against the cold, bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang." --William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73 (slightly adapted!)

Yes, it's time to think about the occasional necessity for the Biblical School to cancel classes. Here's a reminder about how we "roll" when the weather turns nasty!

The communications system for the Biblical School is online. If you cannot access the internet, a weather cancellation notice will also be recorded on the ORE phone system (860) 243-9465.

To access cancellation notifications online, click on the following URL link:

Please avoid losing this URL! Do whatever you need to do--bookmark the URL in your web browser, program it into your cell phone, or write it down somewhere you will always be able to find it.

DON'T WAIT to teach yourself how to log in! If snow is falling, it's too late to troubleshoot any problems that might come up with your password!

When you click on the link (or cut and paste the URL) into your web browser, here's what you should see on your computer screen:

To log in, enter your password into the field below the blue "Please Login" notice, and click on the "Login" button. The passwords ARE case sensitive.

Your password was automatically generated for you when you enrolled in the Biblical School. All student passwords follow the same format: UPPER CASE initials (two or three letters, depending on whether you gave us a middle initial) followed by your eight-digit date of birth. So if you’re Mr. Donald E. Duck, born March 13, 1914, your password would be: DED03131914. Or if no middle initial was provided in your application, the password would be: DD03131914.

After you have logged in to the website, you will see several options. Click on the "Notifications" button to see any notice from the CBS Office.

If, after several attempts, you cannot log in to the program, please call BJ Daly Horell or Jennifer McClintock in the Office of Religious Education and Evangelization at (860-243-9465).

Special Notes:
*Instructors: Your access URL is different from the student login page, and your password has a different format. So if you have trouble accessing the website, call Jennifer in the ORE.

 *Graduates/alumni: Your access URL and password format is the same as the student login page, but if you haven't taken a course in recent years, you may not be in the system. You will need to contact Jill and provide her with information that will enable her to add you to the system.