Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekly Bible Study - Sir 15 - 1 Cor 2 - Matt 5

16 February 2014
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

To whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand

The author of Sirach, a book from the Old Testament Wisdom literature, presents us with the greater choice: life over death, good over evil, God’s plans over humankind’s faulty designs. The choice we make will place us on the path of life or the path of destruction. In trust we stretch toward the light of God’s immense wisdom to guide us safely along the journey to salvation.

Paul offers us a greater wisdom. It is that of one who is spiritually mature who sees beyond the wisdom of this world or of its human rulers. It is the maturity of one who understands and embraces the Paschal mystery as central to their life in Christ.  In faith Christians are called by Paul to stretch beyond the limits of the “incomplete” wisdom of this age to the mystery at the heart of our salvation.

Jesus confronts us with a greater righteousness. He tells his listeners that he has not come to abolish the old law, but rather to fulfill it. Jesus challenges us to go beyond mere conformity to the basic requirements of our religious teachings. We are, rather, to live a “greater righteousness,” acting from love and forgiveness. We hear the voice of Jesus urging us: go the extra mile, do not count the cost, die to self for the sake of another. In love we stretch beyond the minimal confines of the law to embrace more fully our call to Christian discipleship.

To whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand

We stretch not only our hands, but our hearts and our very selves to become living offerings for one another and for God. And we look to the One who stretched himself on the cross for all of us, believer and nonbeliever alike, to bring about the greater victory, our salvation.

The author, Ms. Barbara Gawle, leads Bible studies at her parish,Incarnation Church of Wethersfield, CT. She is a CBS graduate and the 2012 recipient of the Biblical School's highest award, The Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.