Tuesday, April 22, 2014

CBS Students Living and Leading in God's Word

Felician second-year novice Sr. Maria Louise Edwards, was among the top students in CBS 100 (Year One) last year. She is one of many religious sisters (not only Felicians but also Associates of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mercy Sisters, and Daughters of Mary) who have labored in the Catholic Biblical School as part of their formal religious formation here in the Archdiocese of Hartford.

In her new ministry at Holy Name of Mary College School in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Sr. Louise recently led a program on forgiveness and how it can be a healing experience to extend forgiveness to ourselves and those around us.

Sister Louise shared a thought-provoking story and video, reminding the students that it is through God's grace and mercy that we are able to forgive and be set free. Click here to view the video about a mother's witness about forgiving the drunk driver who killed her daughter, with Matthew West's performance of his song, "Forgiveness": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9J6xOT3Ldw.

More than 80 students at Holy Name of Mary College chose to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, in response to Sr. Louise's program and discussion that day.