Adventures Gone Sideways continued
Inspired by Genesis 3
They kept hiking westward, away from the lake, toward the mountain. They quite lost track of the time until the sun's rays became a nuisance in their eyes.

I bet I could find myself a lovely name up there, so close to the sky, imagined the young woman to herself.
Out loud she said, "It's a long way back to Ama-God's table in the center of the garden. Will we be able to get back before dark?"
The same worry had slipped into the man's mind. He wasn't particularly happy to hear his worry spoken aloud, though, at just that moment. He hastily brushed her remark to one side. "I really want to see that mountain up close." The woman, no less eager to keep exploring, allowed the subject to drop. "If we sleep here," they reasoned, we might be able to reach the mountain tomorrow!"
Remembering their solemn promise to return to God every evening, both young people were uneasy. But they said nothing more aloud. They experienced an unfamiliar, uncomfortable feeling in their bellies.