Monday, March 13, 2017

Remythologizing the Myths: Genesis

Chapter Two
Adventures Gone Sideways
Inspired by Genesis 3

...the young man and woman began to think about finding their own names.

One midsummer morning, the two youngsters were larking about, discussing names. They wondered, not for the first time, how they always seemed to know what was the right name for each new creation they discovered. They wondered whether they would know their own names some day, and how they would come upon them. Perhaps God would tell them at dinner tonight.

And while the two bantered good-naturedly, they waded into the valley lake to examine some salmon berries ripening over the waterDeciding the berries were still too green to eat, the young woman, on impulse, dived toward the middle of the lake yelling, "Race you!" They both laughed and raced, swimming all the way across to a sandy beach on the far side. (They were really expert swimmers.) Breathless, they hauled themselves up from the water, the young man tagging a sticky swamp maple trunk, just the flick of a fish's tail after the woman.

Then they plopped down onto the warm sand and rested in the sunshine for a while.

This is the fourth installment in a story-series focusing on Genesis. "Stay tuned," so to speak, for another episode later this week.