Monday, April 15, 2013

A Weekly Bible Study

3rd Sunday of Easter
Revelation 5:11-14

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Jesus, the Lamb of God takes center stage in our reading. The Paschal Lamb appears 28 times in the Book of Revelation and is central to John’s message. J.P. Love, in the Layman’s Bible Commentary, notes that only the kingdom of heaven would dare to use a helpless, slain lamb as its symbol of power and might! In first-century Rome, non-Christians would not have easily identified the Lamb. Christians, however, would know and already be devoted to Jesus as the Lamb of the Christian Passover.

In today's reading we are shown all of creation (represented by angels, human elders and other living creatures) join together in a “fullness” of praise: power, honor, glory, riches, wisdom, strength, blessing. Notice there are seven acclamations—seven is the biblical symbol of perfection! Perfect praise is given to the One who sits on the throne (God) and to the Lamb (Christ). It is a recognition and celebration of Christ’s divinity and his triumph over death.

This scriptural portrait of a heavenly liturgy offered to first century Christians and to us a hope of victory over sufferings with the promise and foretaste of eternal life.

 The author, Ms. Barbara Gawle, leads Bible studies at her parish, Incarnation Church of Wethersfield, CT. She is a CBS graduate and the 2012 recipient of the Biblical School's highest award, The Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.