Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Questions about Registration?

RETURNING STUDENTS please take note:

Everyone who has submitted registration forms for next year's classes should assume you are registered in your first choice of course location and time, unless you hear otherwise from BJ. We do not automatically send out confirmation letters upon receipt of registration. If there are questions or problems with your registration, or if your registration is missing altogether, we will contact you right away. Otherwise you will not hear from us about fall enrollment until late summer, when it is time to think about Opening Scripture Days and the completion of your summer reading assignments.

You should have received a copy of summer reading assignments when you received your registration form. If you have misplaced that information, please go online at www.orehartford.org, click on "Our Programs," then "Catholic Biblical School," then "Registration. There are links to all forms, textbook lists, and reading assignments on that page.

The due date for your summer reading assignment is the same as your Opening Scripture Day, listed at the top of the reading assignment page. Please make a note of the date so you will keep it free of other engagements. Bring your reading assignment with you on that date.

Note that your Opening Scripture Day (Years 2 and Advanced Year) will take place AFTER
your first class meeting, so do not turn in your summer reading assignment to instructors until the second week of class. You'll need that assignment for group discussion on Scripture Day.

Thank you for paying close attention to these directions, and do not hesitate to call or email with questions for clarification.