3 August 2014
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
It takes profound personal experience to be able to say: “I am convinced!”
In today's reading, Paul's voice comes to us from the time near the end of his second missionary journey. Paul has heard of the concerns of the young community at Rome. He desires to visit them, to offer encouragement in their struggles. But when he goes to Rome he will go in chains. By that time Paul has undergone struggles of his own: torture, starvation, persecution for his faith, and shipwreck. Because of his profound personal experiences, Paul can proclaim with the deepest conviction: “I am convinced that nothing can separate me from the love of God poured forth in Jesus Christ!”

If only our personal experience of suffering and hardship would lead us to the place of peaceful conviction Paul has found. If only our trials would draw us closer to Christ, rather than distance us from God by our confusion, anger and despair. If only we would find the courage of conviction that Paul found.
Perhaps we, like Paul, need only and always to look on the cross of Christ. There we see the suffering of all humanity embraced in the greatest act of love imaginable. Are we convinced now? Let us choose not the powers of evil that we do not see—those powers that fuel our fears and estrange us from God’s redeeming love. Let’s instead embrace the greater power that we do see: Christ crucified and risen!
The author, Ms. Barbara Gawle, leads Bible studies at her parish, Incarnation Church of Wethersfield, CT. She is a CBS graduate and the 2012 recipient of the Biblical School's highest award, the Lawrence Boadt Memorial Medal.