Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Bible Trivia for 900, Alex"

Remember to state your answer in the form of a question. Good luck, contestants!

Jeopardy (Basic): The rosary's Second Joyful Mystery, this story appears in Luke 1:39-56 .

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): The only gospel that tells the story remembered in the Second Luminous Mystery.
All Bible verses are taken from the New American Bible Revised Edition.

ANSWERS to "Bible Trivia for 800, Alex" posted on August 1:
Jeopardy (Basic):What is the number of books in the canon of Sacred Scripture. (Canon, which comes from the Hebrew word qaneh, meaning a "measuring stick," is the official list of works included in the Bible. Catholics contain seven "deuterocanonical"/"second canon" books that are not considered canonical by Protestants.)

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): Who is the prophet Huldah? (Huldah, a woman, was the authority consulted by the King and High Priest of Judah to determine the canonicity of a book scholars believe to be Deuteronomy 12-26. They seem to have intentionally chosen to consult Huldah over the better-known prophet Jeremiah. See 2 Kings 22.

To take the entire trivia quiz, begin with the first post of Summer Series 2012, posted on July 7.

At the end of the summer, email BJ (click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the post) with your tally of correct answers. Top scores will be posted here in September.