Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scripture Day is Nigh

And yes, we're entitled to use outdated words like "nigh" because it suits our interest in all things ancient: namely, the roots of our faith. (T or F: The word "nigh" hadn't been invented when Jesus walked the earth.)

Reminder to Advanced Year Students: Scripture Day is on Saturday, August 25, 9:00-3:00 at St. Thomas Seminary in Lecture Hall (third floor). Two important notes:
  • You MUST arrive by 8:50 am to sign in. Coffee will be available beginning at 8:30.
  • You are also required to bring your written response to the summer reading book, Conversations with God, by Stephen Binz.
Our presenter, Dr. Harry Nasuti of Fordham University will introduce us to the prophets, a topic that will be the major focus of study for the Advanced Year classes (CBS 300) this year.
Do you recognize these characters?