The Perfect Measure of the Christian Life
Sunday, March 10, 2013
1:00-4:45 pm
St. Thomas Seminary
I. Theme and Structure: The Sermon (Matt. 5-7) calls believers to practice a greater righteousness by being single-minded in their devotion to God. After an extended introduction, the Sermon consists of three great teachings, which will be explored in today’s presentation.
II. Practicing a Greater Righteousness:
In his first great teaching on righteousness, Jesus provides six examples of what he means by practicing a greater righteousness.
III. Single-Minded Devotion to God: In his second and third teachings on righteousness, Jesus explains how disciples must be single-minded in their devotion to God. He concludes the Sermon by warning his disciples that they must do the words they have heard.
This program is a required “Scripture Day” for students enrolled in Years 2, 3 and 4 of the Catholic Biblical School (St. Thomas Seminary CBS 200 and 400) and is ideal for Scripture enthusiasts at all levels of study.