17 December 2012, 2:00 a.m.

"Our work has unearthed thousands of shards, glass and metal finds as well as coins and a medieval mosque and minaret area, Crusader walls, Byzantine pottery and for the first time a Roman layer with a beautiful plaster floor.
The Yavne story is unfolding with the artfacts, but it is a tale associated one of the most compelling parts of Jewish and biblical history: the origin of the "new" Sanhedrin in Yavne and the study house of Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, established when the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70 CE, forever changing biblical Judaism's sacrifices and priesthood into one of prayers and rabbis.
There are scholars who think that the Yavne "experiment" helped launch all of the subsequent religious reforms from rabbinic Judaism, Christianity and later Islam.
For a fun YouTube photo gallery of the Yavne site (to the tune of "Back in the Saddle Again"), click here.
Editor's Note: Dr. Freund, internationally recognized archeologist, sent updates of his winter excavations in Israel. This installment quotes Dr. Freund's notes verbatim. Please note that this post is not a duplicate of our December 20 post, but contains additional notes from Dr. Freund's December excavations in Israel.