Tuesday, January 7, 2014

IMPORTANT NOTICE on Class Notifications

All CBS students are reminded that it is their personal responsibility to check the STS Registrar system each week before class to get any notifications relating to their classes. Whether or not you think the weather is doubtful, you should ALWAYS check the notices each week.

You may get an email from your teacher if class is cancelled, but that particular system is slow to operate. Sometimes students don't receive those emails in a timely manner, even though the email messages are sent hours before class is scheduled.

So please keep this link attached to your web browser as a bookmark, so you can click on it and sign in (with your individual password) to easily check each week whether there are notifications affecting your class: http://www.stsregistrar.org/cgi-bin/CBS/cbsstudentlogin.pl

For password instructions, click here: http://bjdhorehartford.blogspot.com/2013/10/reminder-weather-related-cancellation.html

Remember: We have 150 students and 12 classes to manage. We cannot call each of you individually to alert you to class cancellations! Thank you for your understanding.

If you do not have access to the internet, you will need to call into the Office of Religious Education and Evangelization between 8:30 and 4:30 to get any notifications.  That number has changed to: 860-242-5573. Ask for Extension 2670.

Thank you all most sincerely for your cooperation in becoming familiar with this notification system.