Friday, August 1, 2014

Biblical Tidbit

Advanced-Year students might find this note interesting:
When I marched with Martin Luther King in Selma, I felt my legs were praying.
--Rabbi Abraham Heschel

Portions of Rabbi Heschel's classic text The Prophets will be studied this year in CBS 300. WARNING: This is a difficult read (perhaps as difficult as a 58 year old man marching 12 hours a day for five days in 1965).

Heschel and King, taken from
So when you read Heschel's work, read in prayerful solidarity with Rabbi Heschel's "praying legs," and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the understanding with which Heschel and King were surely blessed.

But also go gently with yourself. If you find it difficult, ask your teachers to guide you! Your Biblical School teachers can be the Holy Spirit's instrument of understanding!