...The word of God should be accessible at all times. (Dei Verbum 22)
This applies especially to "all the Christian faithful," but also applies to every human person:
God, the beginning and end of all things, can be known with certainty from created reality by the light of human reason (see Rom. 1:20); ... it is through His revelation that those religious truths which are by their nature accessible to human reason can be known by all men [and women] with ease, with solid certitude and with no trace of error, even in this present state of the human race. (Dei Verbum 6)
So it seems that we should use every means possible to promote faithful Bible study.
All students who are willing to treat with respect Catholic teachings are welcome in the Catholic Biblical School, regardless of whether they agree with our point of view. We have a significant number of non Catholic Christians in our School, and we have (once!) even enrolled atheists who wanted to learn about our beliefs.
All classes are taught from a Catholic perspective, engaging authentic Catholic catechetical and spiritual traditions. But we also welcome dialogue with those who may wish to place their traditions in dialogue with the Catholic tradition.
Come find out more about us on Sunday, August 10, at 2:00 pm at the Knights of Columbus
Museum, One State Street, New Haven, CT. RSVP to Jill Costa at 860-242-5573 ext. 2670.
To read more from Dei Verbum, click on the icon below: http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19651118_dei-verbum_en.html