Tuesday, November 17, 2015

National Bible Week - "Don't Let What Happens in Church Stay in Church"

During National BIble Week, do your best to bring the Word of God home, making connections between the liturgy and your family's daily life. Here are three ideas for doing just that:

  • Challenge children to learn a weekly Bible verse (choose something easy and memorable, from the mass readings). Repeat it to them at times during the week, and reward them if they can repeat it from memory at the end of the week. (Rewards might be: extra play time, choice of TV programs or bedtime story, free pass from chores, etc.)
  • Is there an image in the Sunday readings that you could explore together as a family? For example, from the Nov 15 readings, there are multiple images: Saints shining like stars; Michael the Archangel as the guardian of the People of God; Jesus seated at the right hand of God and placing Israel's enemies under its feet like a footstool, and so on. Just imagine how these images might stimulate faith in young children!
  • Pick a character from the Bible (from this week's readings, or one of your own personal favorites) and tell the story from memory. Ask children to imagine, "What comes next?"

The bishops have provided even more ideas online at http://www.usccb.org/bible/national-bible-week. They remind us that "by actively participating in some form of involvement with the Bible, your family can be assured that the Word of God will become a prominent part of your home and that family members will, at an early age, recognize the person of Christ in his Word and grow in God’s love throughout their lives." (Quote taken from "Making the Word of God Part of Your Home," a downloadable resource found online at http://www.usccb.org/bible/national-bible-week/upload/word-at-home.pdf)