Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bible Study "a Delight" in Wethersfield

Living and Leading in God's Word

Fourteen energetic, insightful and inquisitive adults make the Bible Study at Incarnation Parish in Wethersfield a delight, according to Barbara Gawle, Class of 2001. Now in its eleventh year, the group meets for ten sessions each fall and spring. Students typically move line by line or section by section through the Sacred Word, stopping to discuss, reflect and look at daily living through the lens of God’s revealed word. "This year they undertook perhaps the most challenging book yet," mused Gawle, who facilitates the study, "the Book of Jeremiah." After learning of the topic for next year  – the Gospel of Luke – one member remarked, “Compared to Jeremiah, it will be a piece of cake!”