Friday, May 13, 2016

Ray Crawford Memorial Stone

As you are all aware, this year we lost a treasure – our friend, classmate, and fellow student, Ray Crawford.  Ray’s easygoing kindness, unassuming wisdom, and love for God’s Word were a powerful witness to all of us who knew him.

Ray’s Biblical School class is planning to purchase a memorial stone to be placed in the Rosary Garden at St. Thomas Seminary, where Ray attended classes and where we all gather for Scripture Days and CBS events.

We are raising funds for the stone and would like to give everyone who wishes the opportunity to contribute to the stone.  We estimate that the stone will cost around $200. Any extra funds that we raise will be contributed to the Catholic Biblical School’s scholarship fund, a cause we’re certain Ray would support wholeheartedly.

Thank you so much for your interest and your care for Ray and the Biblical School community. Click here to donate: