Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Bible Trivia for 400, Alex!"

Remember to state your answer in the form of a question.

Jeopardy (Basic): According to Genesis, the person in the Garden of Eden to whom the serpent speaks first.

Double Jeopardy (Advanced):  Biblical book in which Satan is first given the name "Satan."

All Bible verses are taken from the New American Bible Revised Edition.

ANSWERS to "Bible Trivia for 300, Alex" posted on July 14:
Jeopardy (Basic): Who is Goliath? (A "giant" in the Old Testament can refer to either a legendary non-human figure, as in Gen 6:4, or to a human being of large stature. Goliath falls into the second category. Although many ancient texts describe Goliath as an unlikely "6 cubits and a span," or 9.5 feet, other ancient texts read "4 cubits and a span," or 6.5 feet.)

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): What is Gath? (Goliath of Gath is champion of the Philistines. The Philistines lived in five cities along the southern Mediterranean coastline. They challenged the Israelites for territory held further inland. Their ability to forge iron weaponry gave them a huge advantage over the Israelites.)

To take the entire trivia quiz, begin with the first post of Summer Series 2012, posted on July 7.

At the end of the summer, email BJ (click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the post) with your tally of correct answers. Top scores will be posted here in September.