Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Bible Trivia for 600, Alex!"

Remember to state your answer in the form of a question.

Jeopardy (Basic): This son of Jacob is described as a full-blood brother to Joseph.

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): The person who bought Joseph from the slavers, in the Book of Genesis.

All Bible verses are taken from the New American Bible Revised Edition.

ANSWERS to "Bible Trivia for 500, Alex" posted on July 21:

Jeopardy (Basic): What is the number 7? (Seven symbolizes perfection in the Bible. Six is a symbol of imperfection because it falls short of seven. The English idiom "to be at sixes and sevens" (suggesting confusion) may originate from these symbolic numbers, owing to a kind of tension between perfection and imperfection.)

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): What is Turkey. (Usually referred to as Asia Minor in discussions of the ancient world, this country also contains the birthplace of St. Paul--Tarsus. It borders the Mediterranean Sea on the south, the Black Sea on the north and the Aegean Sea on the west.)

To take the entire trivia quiz, begin with the first post of Summer Series 2012, posted on July 7.

At the end of the summer, email BJ (click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the post) with your tally of correct answers. Top scores will be posted here in September.