Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Bible Trivia for 700, Alex!"

Remember to state your answer in the form of a question. Good luck contestants!

Jeopardy (Basic): The "messianic secret" is a feature of this gospel.

Double Jeopardy (Advanced): German theologian who first coined the phrase "messianic secret."

ANSWERS to "Bible Trivia for 600, Alex" posted on July 25:
Jeopardy (Basic): Who is Benjamin? (Joseph and Benjamin are the two sons of Rachel. Jacob, their father, openly favored them over the sons of his other wife, Leah, and the sons of his wives' handmaids, Zilpah and Bilhah.)

Double Jeopardy (Advanced):  Who is Potiphar? (Not to be confused with Polycarp, second century bishop of Smyrna. In the Genesis story of Joseph, Potiphar recognizes Joseph's abilities and comes to rely on Joseph to manage his large business. Potiphar's wife tries to seduce Joseph and then accuses Joseph of rape. That's how Joseph winds up in prison.)

To take the entire trivia quiz, begin with the first post of Summer Series 2012, posted on July 7.

At the end of the summer, email BJ (click on the envelope icon at the bottom of the post) with your tally of correct answers. Top scores will be posted here in September.