Monday, December 15, 2014

Handing On Our Faith - Two Hopeful Notes

Do We Believe in God's Grace, Or What?

Do we sometimes despair that God's grace has not the power to draw our children to his light, in spite of our mistakes? I sometimes fail in my trust in God. And we definitely should give our whole selves to the effort to hand on the message of our Lord and Savior! But Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent) reminds us that we are, essentially, a people of joyful hope. When we pray for our children's faith, let us also pray for our own confidence in our Lord!

And Here's a Story of Hope:

A few years ago, I began to write a blog for my parish. As a Catholic Biblical School student, I find my studies really help with that. One week, I asked my son to help me print out some blog entries and organize them in a binder. As he scrolled down the pages, he said, "YOU know all that?!"

Ever since then, I find him most nights before bedtime, reading his children's Bible. I think he takes this seriously, because I do. If he sometimes balks at going to church, or displays a teen attitude, I tell him that it is between him and God. He usually goes off to think about it, then makes the right choice.

I never thought I was so "visible" in my faith! But for my son, the power of example is working.

Keep sending your thoughts, all month long at: I'll post them, for the sake of our faith community.