Friday, December 19, 2014

Root of Jesse, Do Not Tarry!

O Antiphons: 19 December - O Jesse Radix 

O Root of Jesse, that stands as a sign to the people, before whom the kings keep silence and to whom the Gentiles will make supplication: Come, to deliver us, and hurry!

"What urgency there is this antiphon. Something that lies below the earth (a root) stands high unto the heavens like a banner! Vexilia Regis Prodeunt we sing in Lent... what is a little root during Advent becomes by Lent the Tree of our salvation.

"Isaiah 11:10 gives us imagery for our reflection today. The great prophet of Advent tells us that the kingdom of David would be destroyed, but not entirely destroyed. A root would remain.

Jesse is David's father. David is Jesse's root. David leads to Christ. After the destruction there remains a root.  No matter what the exigencies of life present to us or how turbulent the vicissitudes of the passing world may be, when we cling to the root we are sure to be victorious in the end."

 For further contemplation, I recommend reading the whole of Isaiah 11, and perhaps take a look at Romans 15:12.

O come, O Root of Jesse free,
Thine own from Satan's tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o'er the grave.

 (*Reflection and image taken from Catholic Online: