Friday, January 13, 2017

Best of Barron

Here's a new way to reflect on faith and the Bible this year. Bishop Robert Barron has launched a daily gospel reflection, which I invite you to subscribe to directly by clicking here:

But for those who who want just the highlights, I will be sharing pieces from his reflections each week. This week, I have been largely in bed with the flu, so you will not be surprised that I chose Wednesday's reflection:

1st Week Ordinary Time ~ Mark 1:29-39 
"Friends, in the Gospel of Mark today, we ... are reading from the section of Mark's first chapter that gives us a sort of "day in the life" of Jesus. And it is quite a day!... After entering the house of Simon, Jesus cures Peter's mother-in-law.... Notice that he takes her by the hand and brings her to her feet so that she can be of service. What does sickness do to us? It draws us in around ourselves. Once she is cured, Simon's mother-in-law commences to serve, to be for the other."
BJ's Challenge:
In what way are we "drawn in around ourselves" (sick) spiritually? In a moment of prayer ask Jesus to heal you for service. Ask him whether there is a specific service he wants from you today.